Thursday, October 8, 2020

#MainSamaAiden: World Map Free Printable

Aiden mulai tertarik bahas countries selain tentang luar angkasa. Awalnya dari materi school from home di mana pernah bahas negara-negara. Ternyata itu cukup menarik minat Aiden, so then we talked about it. Astaga, ternyata sekarang ada 7 benua. Where have I been?!?! 😅

Kemarin main dengan waktu terbatas dan singkat aja karena sudah deket sama jam bobo siang. Jadi kami cuman main mencocokkan figurin binatang ke map, sambil dibahas sekilas banget.

Added challenge, figurin nya ditaroh di ujung ruangan dan map di ujung lain. Jadi ada gerak sambil lompat-lompat. Kadang merayap juga. Apa aja deh, bebas. Ternyata fun, we loved this activity. Saya juga seneng karena nggak perlu banyak preparasi hueheheh.

Saya bikin free printable nya nih, mauuuu? Ada 4 desain. Satu general map tentang countries. Tiga nya lagi animal map gitu. Kalau bisa ke ke kedai printing, coba deh cetaknya di kertas A3, jadi lebih gede, bisa kayak poster. Murah meriah, range print A3 dari 5000 sampai 10.000.


Semoga bermanfaat, mwah!



  1. waa makasih mama Ubi & Aiden. Kebetulan stiker peta dunia di kamar uda pada ngelotok. Pas banget di sini ada yang bisa print sendiri dan cakep banget desainnya

  2. Terimakasih banyakk.. desain nya bagus bagus sekaliiii

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  10. GeoGuessr Free fosters a sense of curiosity and adventure. As you discover new locations, you’ll likely want to learn more about the places you encounter, making it a catalyst for further exploration and learning.

  11. Check out this engaging content featuring a fun activity with block blast! Perfect for learning about countries and continents through interactive play. Grab the free printable maps to explore more with your kids—it’s educational and affordable!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. WorldGuessr is a free geography learning game where you explore global street views and challenge your knowledge. Single-player mode with hints—play anytime, anywhere!

  14. Gambarnya bagus2 bgt, menarik👍 izin untuk saya gunakan sebagai media pembelajaran di sekolah ya kak. Terima kasih banyak

  15. Aiden recently developed an interest in countries, inspired by school discussions. We had a fun activity matching animal figurines to a world map, which turned into a playful obstacle course! Speaking of challenges, wordle game fans know how engaging word puzzles can be too! I’ve created a free printable with four designs, including a general countries map and three animal maps. Try printing it on A3 for a poster-like experience. Interested?

  16. I'm surprised at how much effort you put into creating such a beautiful educational website.

  17. This Mainsamaiden: World Map Free Printable is a fantastic resource for creative adventures! For those who enjoy interactive experiences, it reminds me of the friday night funkin game, where mapping out strategies can enhance gameplay. I can't wait to print it out and incorporate it into my next campaign! Any tips on using it effectively?


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